domingo, 8 de junho de 2008

A number with Mister M

Oh joyful bliss of vengeance
that smythes your puny deeds!
Look how it springs and bursts
at your marveled feet!
Can it be a light for real
and unveil the clout of deceit?

As I await the final deliverance
from this ordeal, let peace
and fortitude prevail,
transcending foes into mincemeat.

And to savor such an exquisite banquet
before awe-struck eyes
hypnotized by debonair.

The boldest moves disguised by a sleigh of hand,
teleporting me into redemption like a trick.
It all seems so simple...

Let this be the only published guidelines
detailing the inner workings that allow you
to go from point A to B
without notice.

There we have it! Out is a man
(replacing the black sheep)
with a blank fearless stance,
cooking his bile and
bringing the most perfect gift.

How did he do that?!

aos leitores: isso aqui foi beem legal, uma vingança pacífica... uma tentativa de recuperar um pinguinho de dignidade perante pessoas que me acompanharam durante a infância... vou me reservar o direito de só falar isso neste espaço.